Thursday, December 20, 2007

Modigliani Tree Fairies Below

The Tree Fairies in the post below were created by request for my dear friend Mija. She will give them to her daughter in her holiday stocking - hopefully! They are leaving a little late because I am S L O W. But I'm hoping the universe will see fit to have them arrive in time for Father Christmas to tuck them inside her stocking with her other treasures. :)

The scans are not very good on these and they do look better in person. They all have a bit of glitter on them as they demanded it while I dressed them. I tried to resist, but fairies are very bossy and almost always get their way. Their names are: Blue Spruce (Blue), Magnolia (White), Madrone (Red), Persimmon (Orange) and Juniper (Green). Each has some connection in color to the trees they live in and protect and they were not named until they were born, which is the proper way of things, I believe.

I hope that Raven and Mija enjoy playing with these silly creatures! It was a pleasure to make them for them both! It was another step towards my re-enchantment with art. Because honestly, how can you quiet your muse when you are covered in glitter?!? It's quite impossible!

Well, now I must package these sweet ladies for their flight to Oregon. Then onward to bed after a warm cup of sleepytime tea. :)


Barbara said...

they are just beautiful! i can see the bright glittery reflections all the way here! and you look beautiful!


Anonymous said...

Tamara! These are the sassiest gals I have seen in a while. I think they will be worth the wait!
Merry Merry to you all!